Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Sexy Sixty Something

Go on, be a tease, I was told. Here I am, sixty-one years old, and I have been invited to tantalize and tempt. My friend Merci told me that the sixties can be sexy but I didn’t believe her, even though she should know. I’m not usually into teasing. I’m more apt to say, let’s go to it right here, right now. I don’t like delayed gratification. If I crook my finger, I want immediate action. I want to give it all, up front and asap. So here I am, learning the art of enticement. I am covering it up so I can undress it a bit at a time. Even setting it to music. Letting you have a peep. Showing just enough to make you want to drop everything else. Giving you a preview of what others have said who’ve already had the pleasure before you. "You won't catch your breath until the last page turns," said Lou Allin, author of “She Felt No Pain” (Rendezvous Crime), What? You expected something else? Of course I was speaking of my book. I’m enticing you to watch for its ebook debut: The Bridgeman, An Emily Taylor Mystery. Can’t wait to tell you all about it. But I will. Cuz I’m a tease.


Cheryl Tardif said...

Excellent tease!!! :-)

Melodie Campbell said...

Darlin, you are surely a tease. Love it. And what do you mean, you don't do costume?

Catherine Astolfo said...

I hardly ever dress up. I usually like a certain style of undress LOL. But I could make an exception.