Monday, January 16, 2012

Have You Met a Psychopath on the Road?

For my latest book, I am researching psychopaths. Talk about infusing your dreams with nightmarish faces and situations! When I was in university, psychology classes were, admittedly, my favourite. I’d thought English would be my first choice, but it was the study of human behaviour that interested me most. Maybe that’s because I was a teacher.
Not that all of the kids I taught were psychos, but there were a few. Some of them are now either CEO’s of big companies, living under a bridge, or in jail. The rest I’ve lost track of. A couple were only sheep in wolves’ clothing, because they turned around and became responsible citizens. Or maybe they are the ones who hide best. Maybe they’re like Dexter.
Those kids whose eyes glinted when they hurt another child, or flashed when you told them to sit down, or became vacant when you tried to instruct them – those were the ones I found fascinating.
In the case of my latest tome, the psychopath is an adult. Someone who manipulates and uses others strictly for her own comfort and gain. She appears to be caring and sweet on the outside, but inside…
So I want you to help me! On your road of life thus far, have you met a psychopath? Has someone completely and utterly fooled you, used you, discarded you? Or do you know someone who has had that experience? If so, write to me! Tell me all about it. I promise not to copy your story. I just want to glean the feelings. And don’t worry if you’re not a writer. The words don’t matter. The situations and the emotions are what interest me.
Email me at
Visit my other psychopaths at The Bridgeman or Victim.

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