Thursday, July 18, 2013

Canadians Aren't So Nice and Other Serious Topics

Virtual blog and book touring is perhaps not as fun as being there, but at least you as a reader don't have to invest a lot of money in following me around. Which I know you would, but I'm happy you don't have to.

When you have a moment to yourself at work, or want to duck in out of the heat, point your iPad or tablet or smart phone to one of these articles. Don't forget to enter the Rafflecopter contest so you can win something for your trouble.

Canadians Aren't So Nice is the title of the blog I wrote for my friend Jill Edmondson, author of the Sasha Jackson Mysteries. She's kindly hosting me today at Jill's place. If you have some time, drop in and say hi. Argue my premise if you dare!

Guest Post at Straight from the Author's Mouth: This is a group of Ladies Who Blog. They invite authors to give our esteemed opinion on anything about the writing process. I chose review writing, one of my favorite peeves.

Interview on Goodreads: On this venerable site where you can find hundreds of authors and books, Mayra Calvani asks me five questions, including, "What does on in the mind of a mystery writer?" I mean, she asked!

Interview on Blogger News: These questions centered on Sweet Karoline, my inspirations and motivations behind writing it and so on. Really tested my brain, I must say.

Sweet Karoline hit #40 on the Canadian Amazon Bestseller list on its first day. Still at the introductory price of 99¢ US! 

1 comment:

Leslie Smith said...

Ha ha ha - Canadians truly are not so nice. Love this. Loved your book, Cathy! I think this is your best one yet, really. I couldn't put it down. Now I have to go back and read it again after that ending. OK, I'll go off and read some more blogs. After I have a swim!