From Mel Bradshaw, Canadian Author: On research
Check out Mel's historical crime books right here:
Check out Mel's historical crime books right here:

But, having the good fortune to live in the
location where my 1920s novels are set, I can also go out
and supplement Google Images with my own photographs of old
buildings. Example, the chapel of Toronto's old Central Prison still stands in
the middle of Liberty Village. My snapshots are helping me put this relic into
my new book.
And of course good libraries still have a place.
The current criminal code is available in a flash on the Internet. But how
about the criminal code for 1927, when sentences still included so many lashes
as well as prison time? Found what I was looking for in the stacks of Robarts
Library at the University of Toronto.
Check out Eileen's adult and YA novels here:
I wrote my BackTracker novels before researching
anything, believing I was channeling my characters' true experiences in the
biker gang world of drugs and violence and the dangerous counter-world of law
enforcement. When it came time to publish the stories, beta readers and editors
alike rather adamantly suggested I first ought to confirm the truth of what my
likeable but not-all-that-credible characters were telling me. So...I became a
volunteer for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. How's that for dedication to
my writing career (ha ha)?
The most enjoyable aspect of my volunteer work is
the training provided. I've attended sessions on the illicit drug trade, gangs,
juveniles, forensics, counterfeiting, firearms, accident investigation,
preserving a crime scene, drones, the canine unit...and the list goes on.
helped me put faces and emotions to those in uniform, taught me the lingo and police protocol, and got my heart racing at times!
P.S. Even though it turns out my BackTracker
characters dictated a pretty accurate description of their exciting lifestyles,
I'd not give up my volunteering experiences for anything!
From Me:
Imajin Books is holding its summer sizzle sales & contests right now! Dive in - win - read great books for great prices (including all my books).
Look for the next research blog soon - plus more guest authors.
From Me:
Imajin Books is holding its summer sizzle sales & contests right now! Dive in - win - read great books for great prices (including all my books).
Look for the next research blog soon - plus more guest authors.
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