I am born, I live, and I die.
I am born as a Sea Eagle, beautiful and bold yet shy to face
a new, white, blinding world. I live in a universe that my readers and I have
created, a place where memories become as real as our own, a destination we can
always visit upon a wink like a dear hometown. I die as the loops loop themselves,
as the t’s cross and remember, and as the dots above the i’s lighthouse a
literary frontier.
I may never write another trilogy again, because my writer’s
life became a beautiful prisoner to a manufactured world that has not moved the
real world enough. Please don’t misconstrue me, I have the most complete faith
in my work, but if I’ve learned anything as an author, it is that the retail
reality of books is composed of lines of readers waiting along a blinking
thoroughfare of restaurants. And all too often the dining rooms of the most
innovative chefs are forlornly deserted simply because the other restaurants
had lines and theirs did not.
As authors, perhaps we start at the wrong end. Trilogies, if
ever written, should come of great stories chained together, and only when the
starry-eyed, dog-eared writer has won a long line of bookish followers, should
they come to fruition.
I am a literary chef, standing in front of his restaurant
with the few tattered tables populated by wide-eyed diners smiling eagerly at
passersby, beckoning to them to leave the lines of the conformists. I am holding
a platter up high that hurls the most fantastic, unique fumes at you, cuisine
to which I’ve dedicated my entire life to creating. And the sign above my
little restaurant reads, TIRED OF THE SAME OLD NOVELS?
Yours in literature,

Ethan Hodges is deeply unsettled when thousands of decomposed starfish inexplicably wash up along the shore of Pelican Bay. As the ominous sea epidemic spreads to other marine life, he continues to see a suspicious-looking man loitering on the beach.
To solve the mystery, Ethan seeks help from longtime friend, Sheriff Dansby, and Reagan Langsley, a beautiful marine biologist from Lighthouse Point. Spurred by curiosity and jealousy, Ethan’s estranged wife, Morgan, joins them in the investigation.
When the elusive outsider is finally arrested, an enigmatic relationship develops between Ethan and the man. With cautious prodding, Ethan learns that the fate of the world appears to rest in the hands of the tall stranger named…Mr. DM.
Amazon link: http://www.amazon.com/Revenge-Captain-Shelby-Trilogy-Book-ebook/dp/B017Y41K4Y/ref=asap_bc?ie=UTF8
Book Trailer: https://youtu.be/m88VaeFPmo0
Book Trailer: https://youtu.be/m88VaeFPmo0
All About Jesse
bestselling author in sea adventures, Jesse Giles Christiansen is an
American author whose page-turning fiction weaves the real with the
surreal, while also speaking to the human condition. He was hailed by
New York Times bestselling author, William R. Forstchen, as "leaving
readers so tantalized by the story lines, they think the events actually
happened—a demonstration of skill surely to launch this author into the
big leagues."
Jesse was born in Miami, FL, playing on beaches as a boy, the sky bronzing him forever and the sea turning his heart lyrical. After spending a summer in Alaska before graduating from Florida State University with a degree in literature and philosophy, he wrote his first novel, Journey into the Mystic.
He feels he is haunted by Hemingway's ghost, not just by the poster in his writing studio that stares at him, saying, "What else you got?" but also by having a café called Hemingway's in the small European city where he writes. Finally, Hemingway became his neighbor on Amazon when his novel, Pelican Bay, outsold Old Man and the Sea.
He currently lives in Lüneburg, Germany, with his wife and their precocious White Siamese cat.
To learn more about Jesse, visit him at www.jessegileschristiansen.com.
Blog: www.jgchristiansen.wordpress.com
Jesse was born in Miami, FL, playing on beaches as a boy, the sky bronzing him forever and the sea turning his heart lyrical. After spending a summer in Alaska before graduating from Florida State University with a degree in literature and philosophy, he wrote his first novel, Journey into the Mystic.
He feels he is haunted by Hemingway's ghost, not just by the poster in his writing studio that stares at him, saying, "What else you got?" but also by having a café called Hemingway's in the small European city where he writes. Finally, Hemingway became his neighbor on Amazon when his novel, Pelican Bay, outsold Old Man and the Sea.
He currently lives in Lüneburg, Germany, with his wife and their precocious White Siamese cat.
To learn more about Jesse, visit him at www.jessegileschristiansen.com.
Blog: www.jgchristiansen.wordpress.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/JesseGilesChris
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/jesse.gileschristiansen.7
Thanks for having me, Cathy! What a classy, beautiful presentation. :)
I am actually moved by this blog. Jesse, you are an inspiration. I can't wait to read your stories!
I don't think anyone could have expressed this issue more lyrically. Of course, I'm slightly biased since I'm also always on the look out for unique restaurants.
Jesse, you are a master not only at writing but promoting. Thanks for always being there for your fellow writers, too. Appear on my blog any time!
Thank you, Kriss. I try to write with honesty. I'm very flattered that you want to read my stories! Alison, unfortunately, there's not much I can do about my lyrical voice (he-he). Cathy, as always, you are too kind. I'd settle for just being a master of writing. You are always welcome on my blog as well!
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